Category File Name Download
Original Backup EC/_EC FILE COLLECTION-20191113T074532Z-001_1595986414347/Dell Inspiron 3521 _LA-9104P_KB9012.rom Download
Original Backup Dell /Dell 15-3521 100% ok/A05 VAW00 - Dell Inspiron 15 3521 i3 model p28f.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron _15-3521 _Intel/VAW00_LA_9104P_ENE9012QFA3.romDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron _15-3521 _Intel/A10 VAW00 - VAW00_LA_9104P_ENE9012QFA3.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 3521 (P28F001)/Dell Inspiron 15 3521 (P28F001) (ENE KB9012QF A3) (EON EN25QH16) (UH2).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 3521 (P28F001)/A02 VAW00 - Dell Inspiron 15 3521 (P28F001) (ENE KB9012QF A3) (EON EN25Q32A) (UH6).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15_3521 /EC.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15_3521 /A06 VAW00 - BIOS.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 LA-9104P REV - 1.0/EC 15-3521 LA-9104P REV;1.0.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 LA-9104P REV - 1.0/A12 VAW00 - 15-3521 LA-9104P REV;1.0.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 i5 2nd Gen. (onboard CPU and ATI graphics)/Dell Inspiron 15-3521 CORE I5 SECOND GEN NEAR IO CHIP ONBOARD CPU WITH ATI GRAPHICS.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 i5 2nd Gen. (onboard CPU and ATI graphics)/A09 VAW00 - Dell Inspiron 15-3521 CORE I5 SECOND GEN NEAR Intel CHIP ONBOARD CPU WITH ATI GRAPHICS.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 - LA-9101P-CORE I7-EN25Q32-UH6/KB BIOS Dell Inspiron 15-3521 - LA9101P-CORE I7-EN25Qh16-UH2.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 - LA-9101P-CORE I7-EN25Q32-UH6/A05 VAW00 - BIOS Dell Inspiron 15-3521 LA9101P-CORE I7-EN25Q32-UH6.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 /INSP15-3521 _EC.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15-3521 /A05 VAW00 - Inps15-3521 _BIOS.binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 (P28F)/QH16-104HIP(UH2).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 (P28F)/KB9012QF_A3_20160504_151043.romDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 (P28F)/A12 VAW00 - Q32B-104HIP(UH6).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 i3 onboard CPU (SERVICE TAG 64T0RX1)/Dell Inspiron 15-3521 I3 SECOND GEN ONBOARD CPU NEAR IO CHIP (SERVICE TAC 64T0RX1).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 i3 onboard CPU (SERVICE TAG 64T0RX1)/A10 VAW00 - Dell Inspiron 15-3521 I3 SECOND GEN ONBOARD CUP BACK SIDE Intel (SERVICE TAC 64T0RX1).binDownload
Original Backup Dell /3521 /Dell Inspiron 11-3152 1.0.0 04_17_2015 - 3521 .binDownload
Original Backup Dell /Dell - Inspiron 15 3521 LA-9104P Rev 1.0 EC.romDownload
Selected Schematic Dell /Inspiron Inspiron /LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Schematic Boardview/LA-9104P R20-1009_artfilm.pdfDownload
Selected Schematic Dell /Inspiron Inspiron /LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Schematic Boardview/LA-9104P R20-1009.cad.fzDownload
Selected Schematic Dell /Inspiron Inspiron /LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Schematic Boardview/Dell 15-3521 ★2012 VAW00 LA-9104P R1.0_0822(GERBER)HM76+Ivy Bridge三代 KB9012.pdfDownload
Classic Schematic Dell /Compal - LA-9104P 2012-08-29 2012-08-22 Dell Inspiron 15 3521 .pdfDownload
Classic Schematic Dell /Compal - LA-9104P 2012-08-29 2012-08-22 Dell Inspiron 15 3521 Rev 1.0.pdfDownload
Classic Schematic Dell /Compal - LA-9101P 2012-08-29 2012-08-22 Dell Inspiron 15 3521 Rev 0.4.pdfDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/NG BIOS/咚咚报警音/EN25Q32@SOP8_20181214_150254.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/xerces-c_2_7.dll.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/isflash.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/iscflash.dll.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/ME.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/InsydeFlash.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/FlsHookDll.dll.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/FlsHook.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/FWUpdLcl.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16/BIOS.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A16.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A14/主BIOS.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A14/isflash.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A14/ME.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A14/BIOS_ME.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A14.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10/VAW00_6M.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10/VAW00_6M(1).bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10/VAW00A10.fd.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10/KBFE130A.ROM.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10/3521 A10.exe.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Official bios/3521 A10.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/kb9012 lp9104 A3.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/UH6BEIFEN.ROM.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/UH2BEIFEN.ROM.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Dell 3521 LA 9104P REV 1.0 4M.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/Dell 3521 LA 9104P REV 1.0 2M.bin.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/BEIFEN BIOS/W25Q32V@SOIC8_20190315_142643.BIN.zipDownload
Factory BIOS Dell Dell Factory/Inspiron Inspiron 4/LA-9104P_15-3521 _3721_5521_5721 and Vostro 2521/BEIFEN BIOS/W25Q16V@SOIC8_20190315_123318.BIN.zipDownload